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Pre-Buy Examinations

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Looking to buy a used aircraft?

Schedule a thorough nose to tail inspection!


Ferrying Services

Coast to Coast, we'll take your plane anywhere. 

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Image by Tekton

Afterhours Maintenance

Repairs can be needed at anytime, and sometimes at the most inconvenient times, and places. Don't stress! Give us a call and we can get you back in the air ASAP.

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Dynamic Prop Balance

Statically balancing a prop ensures that one blade doesn't weigh more than another. But once it is mounted and installed on the aircraft, even a well-balanced prop can become offset.

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ACF-50 Corrosion Application

A state-of-the-art compound for controlling corrosion on aircraft electrical and avionics systems and airframes.


  • ACF-50 kills any corrosion currently in progress with just one application.

  • ACF-50 is non-flammable, non-carcinogenic, and virtually non-toxic.

  • ACF-50 can be safely applied to electronics such as radios, timers, test equipment, antenna connections, computers, etc.

  • ACF-50 can be safely applied to electrical components such as alternators, starters, magnetos, generators, distributors, carburators, wiring, switches, rheostats, compressors, battery terminals, light bulb sockets, electrical connectors, circuit breakers, ignition systems, wire harnesses, etc.

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